periosteum /PAIR-ə-OST-ee-əm/ n. The fibrous coating investing all surfaces of a bone other than the articular surfaces. polar covalent bond A covalent bond between atoms differing in electronegativity. polysaccharides (also polysaccharoses) /PAWL-ee-SACK-ə-rides/ n. A group name for those carbohydrates that can be broken down into three or more simple sugars; usually insoluble in water; when soluble they form colloidal solutions. (1) in human beings: toward the back: dorsal; (2) in animals: toward the rear or tail: caudal; (3) behind. Of or pertaining to the pelvis. pathology n. /path-AWL-ə-jee, pə-THAWL-/ (1) the study of diseases; (2) changes caused by a disease. She’s worked with Nobel Prize winners, taught astronauts to fly, and created musical simulations of the universe with rock stars. The phosphate ion has one central phosphorus atom surrounded by four oxygen atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. plankton /PLANK-tən/ n. Small sea organisms moved primarily, or exclusively, by water currents. It is actually composed of separate bones — the coccyx, the sacrum, and the innominate bones, which are joined together by ligaments. : Some , persisting fops we know, That, if once wrong, will needs be always so. PCC abbr. Precocial birds or mammals are those with newly hatched or born young being less dependent on their parents (i.e., ones that can move about, open their eyes, and that have down or hair). in biology, the part of a cell that controls growth and reproduction. parasitism /PARE-ə-sit-iz-əm/ n. A form of symbiosis in which one of the two participants benefits at the expense of the other. DIAGRAM OF PHORONID ANATOMY | PICTURE SHOWING LOPHOPHORES. photosynthesis /fō-tō-SIN-thə-sis/ n. A process carried out in plants, algae, and bacteria, which uses energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. phenology /fə-NAWL-ə-jee/ n. The scientific study of events in the annual cycles of living things, and of the climate's relationship to those events — phenologist /fə-NAWL-ə-jist/ n. — phenological /fə-nə-LAW-jə-kəl/ adj. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Pliocene /PLĪ-ə-seen/ n. An epoch of the Neogene. (1) of or pertaining to the buttocks; (2) concerning the lower back. positive interference A phenomenon where the occurrence of one crossover event lessens the likelihood of a second crossover event occurring in the same vicinity. plasmolysis (plaz-MAWL-ə-səs) n. Separation of the plasma membrane from the cell wall resulting from shrinkage of the cytoplasm in a hypertonic environment. (1) coenzyme Q₁₀; (2) glutamine. Causing, or capable of causing, the cleavage of proteins into separate subunits. A vocabulary word list (word bank) about oceans. January 21, 2021 in psychology /sī-KAWL-ə-jee/ n. The study of human behavior. Phanerozoic Eon (Brit. picogram (pg) /PEEK-ō-gram, PEEK-ə/ n. One-trillionth (10-12) of a gram. precipitate /prə-SIP-ə-tət/ n. A solid, derived from a solute or from a chemical reaction, that settles out in a liquid. phospholipid /FOSS-fō-LIP-əd/ n. A lipid that contains phosphate esters of sphingosine or glycerol. Words starting with M. Macrobenthos: SEE macrofauna. p entacarbonylhydridorhenium. Precambrian /pree-KAM-bree-ən/ (1) adj. pollen sacs /PAW-lən/ The pouches in the anther where pollen is formed. platycnemic /plat-ik-NEEM-mik/ adj. See also: haploid, diploid, triploidy, tetraploidy, hexaploidy, allopolyploid, and autopolyploid. Definitions of words meaning sciences: ology words. biology - find the meaning and all words formed with biology, anagrams with biology and much more. Toward ideal completeness or perfection in respect of quality or condition; -- applied to individuals, communities, or the race; as. pterosaurs Winged creatures of the Mesozoic era. postoperative /pōst-AWP-er-ə-tiv/ adj. 1) quart; (2) coulomb; (3) symbol used to indicate the long arm of a chromosome. Phanaerozoic) /FAN-er-rō-ZŌ-ik/ n. The time period, running right up to the present, that began with the Cambrian Period, and that is composed of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras. Save documents in OneDrive. Adaptive Radiation. HELP ME PLEASE!!!! GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. phocomelia /FŌ-kō-MEE-lee-yə/ n. A rare congenital abnormality in which the hands and/or feet are attached directly to the body. 26-letter words that start with p. p neumoextraperitoneography. vacuole Leaf-bearing. pathogenesis /PATH-ə-JEN-ə-səs/ n. The steps leading to the development of a disease. PI (1) phosphatidylinositol; (2) principal investigator. Reader Q&A. Having the appearance or shape of a leaf. 179 words relating to Biology phylogeny /fə-LAWJ-ə-nee/ n. A hypothetical reconstruction, usually in the form of a tree, of the evolutionary relationships of a group of organisms. pepsin /PEP-sən, -sin/ n. A gastric enzyme, which is proteolytic in acidic solutions. Atomic number 19, atomic weight 39.0983. Instagram should be a place where everyone feels safe, supported, and free to express themselves, and I’m hoping this will get us closer to that. A phosphate backbone. Thanks for using MW and your patience! Their shared electrons are shifted away from the less electronegative atom, which makes it partially positive and the other atom partially negative. Biology has two main branches-1. Often called the Ice Age, extensive continental glaciers existed through much of this epoch, which began at 2.588 mya and ended some 12,000 years ago. porometer /pə-RAWM-ə-der/ An instrument for measuring the diameter of stomata. protein /PRŌ-teen/ A molecule composed of one or more polypeptide chains. plasmodesmata or plasmodesmas (sing plasmodesma or plasmodesm or plasmodesmus) /PLAZ-mə-DEZ-mə pl: -DEZ-məd-ə/ n. Channels, piercing the cell walls of plants, through which cytoplasmic threads connect with adjacent cells. MORE INFORMATION. Basic formula: (C₆H₁₂O₆)ₓ. PS (1) Photosystem; (2) Phosphatidylserine. PLATE TECTONICS ANIMATION. ABOUT ELEPHANT EVOLUTION | ELEPHANT DIET. In the growth of an animal or plant; increase. postcranial /pōst-KRANE-ee-yəl/ adj. Because the newly synthesized DNA strands can subsequently serve as additional templates for the same primer sequences, successive rounds of primer annealing, strand elongation, and dissociation produce rapid and highly specific amplification of the desired sequence. phytotoxin /FĪ-də-TOX-in/ n. Any toxin produced by a plant. quadrupedal /kwaw-DROOP-ə-dəl or KWAW-droo-ped-əl/ adj. Biology Dictionary - Page 1: A to Amplification: Meanings of biology terminology and abbreviations starting with the letter A. proteome n. The proteins expressed by a cell or organ at a particular time and under specific conditions. :) Definition of biology . The middle of a cell is called the nucleus Natura 2 - Biologie für Gymnasien. primordial abiogenesis One of the two major hypotheses concerning the origin of life on Earth. proboscidean /prō-bə-SID-ee-ən or -BOSS-əd-/ A member of the mammalian family Proboscidea (/prō-bə-SID-dee-ə or -BOSS-səd-/), which includes the elephants and extinct related forms. Botany-Study of different aspects of plants. postpartum /pōst-PART-əm/ adj. Permian Period (P) /PERM-ee-ən/ The last geologic period of the Paleozoic Era, lasting from 299.0±0.8 to 251.0±0.4 mya; named by Roderick Murchison after the former Russian kingdom of Permia. perissodactyl /pə-RISS-ə-DACK-təl/ n. An odd-toed ungulate. prosthetic group /PRAWS-thet-ick/ n. A non-protein group, serving some function, and which is attached to a protein. piscine /PISS-sine, -seen, PĪ-sīn/ adj. (1) phosphorus; (2) proline; (3) Permian. pollen grain In flowering plants, a granular microspore that germinates to produce the male gametophyte. polymeric /PAWL-ləm-MARE-ik/ adj. In RNA they are cytosine and uracil. Parazoa /PAIR-ə-ZŌ-ə/ n. An animal subkingdom consisting of the sponges. proteolytic /PRŌT-ee-ə-LIT-ik/ adj. Biology Dictionary - O to OZOSTOMIA: Meanings of biology terminology and abbreviations starting with the letter O. q abbr. pinna /PIN-ə/ (also auricula /aw-RIK-yə-lə/) n. The external, cartilaginous, projecting portion of the ear, which surrounds the auditory meatus. prognosis /prawg-NŌ-səs/ Prediction of how a disease will affect a patient. p erineocolporectomyomectomy. pleiotropy /PLĪ-ō-TRŌP-ee/ n. A condition in which one gene causes a variety of different physical traits (e.g., multiple disease symptoms). Another characteristic feature of phoronids is the presence of an umbrella-like feeding apparatus called a lophophore (see figure at right), which is also present in bryozoans and brachiopods, with which phoronids are sometimes grouped as lophophorates. quokka /KWAW-kə/ n. A short-tailed wallaby (Setonix brachyurus). It’s late and you need help with the last couple biology questions in your homework. Tone. Engaging in photosynthesis. pleura (pl pleurae) /PLER-ə; pl: PLER-ee or PLER-eye/ n. One of the serous membranes that enclose the lungs and line the thorax. 2 (7/10. (1) phosphate; (2) symbol indicating the short arm of a chromosome; (3) pico- (10-12). prehensile /prə-HEN-səl/ adj. phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM) /FOSS-fō-GLIS-er-ate MYOOT-ase/ An enzyme catalyzing the eighth step of glycolysis. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. tissue the mass of like cells in an animal or plant body, esp. i = initial (starting) C = concentration of solute . psittacism /SID-ə-siz-um/ n. Speech in which words are uttered without thought of meaning. panspermia /pan-SPERM-ee-yə/ n. See: exogenesis. Compare: cladistics — pheneticist /fə-NET-ə-sist/ n. phenocopy /FEEN-ō-KAWP-ee/ n. A trait, that seems the same as a genetic trait, but that is the result of environmental influences. prior to the Cambrian Period; (2) n. informal name for the time period from the formation of Earth to the first abundant appearance of macroscopic hard-shelled animals that defines the beginning of the Cambrian. Bioptic 6 letter Words starting with bio and having p in it. Browse english words that start with b and view definitions. proboscis /prō-BAW-siss, -BAWS-kiss/ (1) n. in invertebrates, a tubular appendage of the mouth employed in feeding; (2) n. in vertebrates, a tubular nasal appendage; (3) frontal proboscis: an anomalous tubular structure attached to the frontal region of the face. This group included elephants, certain artiodactyls, such as hippopotamuses and pigs, as well as some perissodactyls (rhinoceroses, horses). Leily Kashkooli, David Rozema, François Fagotto and co-authors reveal that its phenomenal capacity for fast migration while remaining cohesive is triggered by simple downregulation of cell contractility through the expression of two tissue-specific myosin regulators. paracentric inversion /pare-ə-SENT-rik/ n. An inversion that does not include the centromere. PICTURE. CHART OF RELATIVE TAXONOMIC RANKS. Free shipping for orders over $50. phyllophagous /fə-LAWF-ə-gəs/ adj. papillae) /pə-PILL-ə/ n. Any nipple-like process. One of four organic bases: adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. They are classified as eukaryotes because he have membrane bounded nuclei, but they lack all other organelles characteristic of eukaryotes (Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticula), mitochondria, chromosomes, and centrioles. The pancreas produces an internal and an external secretion. Perfect, please step in! Compare: carapace. phenylalanine (phe or F) /FEEN-əl-AL-ə-neen/ n. One of the essential amino acids.CODONS | MOLECULAR STRUCTURE | PHENYLALANINE METABOLISM. — palindromic /pal-ən-DRŌM-ick/. primatology /prī-mə-TAWL-ə-jee/ The study of primates — primatologist /prī-mə-TAWL-ə-jəst, -jist/. plate tectonics (also continental drift) /tek-TAWN-iks/ The movement over geologic time of large segments of the earth's crust relative to each other. phytoplankton /FĪ-də-PLANK-tən/ n. Plankton composed of plant life. putrefaction /pyoo-trə-FAK-shən/ n. A condition of decay or rottenness; usually accompanied by an offensive odor. Find more similar words at! parietal bones /pə-RYE-ə-təl/ n. The two bones forming the roof and sides of the brain cavity. phytalbumose /fite-AL-boo-mōs/ n. An albumose found in plants. POSITIVE WORDS . Different plants form phytoliths of different, characteristic shapes and sizes. If there are any oddities left, please contact me. prey (1) v. to capture an animal in order to eat it (the verb prey is used with the preposition on, as in "to prey on" or "preying on"); (2) n. an animal captured and eaten by some other animal. vIn the the wet-lab biology course, Measurement techniques, you extract Biology is the branch of science concerned with the study of life: structure, growth, functioning, and evolution of living things. penetrance /PEN-ə-trəns/ n. The probability of a genotype being expressed. Definitively laid down; explicitly stated; clearly expressed, precise, emphatic. CODONS | MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. as they form a specific organ. parapatric /pare-ə-PAT-rik/ adj. Derived from an object by itself; not dependent on changing circumstances or relations; absolute. Characterised by affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable. DIAGRAM (2) the membrane, often called the cell membrane, forming the limiting surface of the cytoplasm of a prokaryotic cell. It lasted from 5.332 to 2.588 mya. Active Transport. Compare: negative interference. p olychlorotrifluoroethylene. Greek and Latin Root Words. It is found in all forms of life and is often referred to as the "molecular currency" of intracellular energy transfer. Panthera /pan-TARE-ə/ n. The genus comprised of the big cats, the lion (Panthera leo), the jaguar (Panthera onca), the leopard (Panthera pardus), and the tiger (Panthera tigris). the hypothesis that life on Earth originated from microorganisms from outer space, The study of the effects of light on living organisms, and on biological processes. pachyderm /PAK-ə-derm/ n. A mammal belonging to the erstwhile taxonomic group Pachydermata (meaning "thick skinned ones"). pericardium /PAIR-ə-KARD-ee-əm/ n. A double membrane that surrounds the heart and the roots of the major coronary vessels. pelvic opening /PEL-vik/ n. The large opening in the pelvis through which the digestive tract, urethra, and birth canal pass before exiting the body. Biotype 2). PICTURE, quail /KWALE/ n. Mid-sized pheasants belonging to the genera Coturnix, Anurophasis, Perdicula, Ophrysia, Callipepla, Colinus, Oreortyx, and Cyrtonyx. Keep learning! pseudogene /SOO-də-JEEN/ A sequence of genomic DNA similar to a gene at some other locus but rendered nonfunctional by mutations that prevent its normal transcription and/or translation. This process produces hydrogen peroxide as a by-product, which is toxic, but peroxisomes also contain an enzyme that prevent any build-up of hydrogen peroxide by breaking it down into water. pollination /PAWL-ə-NAY-shun/ n. Fertilization by means of pollen. Pachytene is also known as pachynema. Living as, caused by, or pertaining to a parasite. picofarad (pF) /PEEK-ō-mole, PEEK-ə/ n. One-trillionth (10-12) of a farad. Such a habit will greatly simplify your mastery of biological vocabulary. pericarditis /PAIR-ə-kar-DITE-əs/ n. Inflammation of the pericardium. Phospholipids have a head group, which is attracted to water, and a tail group, which is made up of a long hydrocarbon chain repelled by water. pollen mother cell /PAW-lən/ A plant cell (microsporocyte) that produces by meiosis four cells that each develop into a pollen grain. PICTURE | GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE. It lasted from 65.5 to 55.8 mya. Site members have full access to an ad-free, print-friendly version of the site. (1) phosphorus; (2) proline; (3) Permian. pennate /PEN-ate/ adj. p-1-this-startup-uses-biological-tags-to-trace-lettuce-back. Biopsic 3). Nearly all of the various plant and animal phyla, with the major exception of the angiosperms, first became abundant during the Paleozoic. A pride is generally composed mostly of lionesses and their offspring, as well as a few adult males. working on abc biology book that needs colored need words i'll find definitions due in one week. MORE INFORMATION. passive transport n. Diffusion of molecules across a biological membrane without the assistance of carrier proteins (this term is used in opposition to "facilitated diffusion"). p-aminobenzoic acid /ə-MEEN-ō-ben-ZŌ-ik/ (PABA also 4-aminobenzoic acid or para-aminobenzoic acid) n. pericycle /PAIR-ə-sī-kəl/ n. The layer of potentially meristematic cells immediately beneath a root's endodermis. polyphagia /PAWL-ee-PHAGE-ee-ə, -PHAGE-yə/ n. Excessive appetite. LIFE CYCLE. Lions are unusually social in comparison with other types of cats. pupation /pyoo-PAY-shən/ n. The stage in the development of a holometabolous insect in which the larva becomes immobile, forms a protective casing, and undergoes transformation. Positive adjectives with P. Search. ptyalagogue /tī-AL-ə-goag/ n. A stimulant of salivation. periophthalmic /PAIR-ee-awf-THAWL-mik/ adj. palynology /PAL-in-NAWL-ə-jee/ The study of fine organic particulate matter, such as pollen grains and spores, present in air, water or sedimentary deposits. prothallium /prō-THAL-ee-əm/ A pteridophyte in its gametophyte stage (the term is sometimes applied to bryophytes). Collaborate for free with an online version of Microsoft Word. Theophrastus is known as father of Botany. They are therefore often used by paleontologists to determine the diets of extinct animals. Log in. Pyrimidines are composed of a six-member heterocyclic ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms. The Paleolithic was the first period of stone tool use. phlebotomy /flə-BAWT-ə-mee/ n. The opening of a vein. PDGF abbr. During every online biology tutoring session, students can work together with a biology tutor on a shared virtual whiteboard, chat directly with a tutor and more. pleural /PLER-əl/ adj. pascal (Pa) /pass-KALL/ n. A unit of pressure, stress, and tensile strength in terms of force per unit area; equal to one newton per square meter. phytosterol /fī-TAWST-ə-rawl/ n. Any plant sterol. Compare: nidifugous, altricial. phyllophorous /fə-LAWF-(ə)-rəs/ adj. pride A group of lions that lives, hunts and feeds together. purine /PYOOR-een/ n. One of the two types of nitrogenous bases occurring in nucleic acids. The genotype is expressed in all living tissues the crossword clue answers and solutions for January 22 2021 new times... Causative agents of the site /KWĪ-nine/ n. a disease-causing agent ( as a unit during pollination degrees! Pico- ( 10-12 ) of a human being, especially of a of! 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