Overall, 14 males (3 healers and 11 users) and 26 females (1 healer and 25 users) took part in the study. Also, reflexivity on the research process and attention to new cases was undertaken throughout the data collection procedure. In some cases, especially when the health issue becomes serious, we consult our leaders that people call them “Malams” to help us deal with the challenge like I am at this place doing. Article  This is because I came to this place doubting the effectiveness of prayer for healing. As a result, we classified and organized data according to key themes, concepts and emergent categories. Findings also showed that users of faith healing perceived optimal health status largely due to the perceived effectiveness of faith healing modalities. This leader is my healer, preacher and protector both physically and spiritually. Eval & Prog Plann. Faith healers served as the first port of call for disease curing and prevention. Audio records were transcribed into both “Twi” dialect and English language of which those with “Twi” were later translated into English by all the authors individually, and cross checked with the audio records and handwritten field notes to ensure validity, reliability and quality control. Christianity - Christianity - Church and social welfare: The Christian church has responded to the matter of human illness both by caring for and healing the sick and by expressing concern for them. We have enough respect for them because they cure both physical and spiritual illness. 2007;39:923–37. There is plenty of room for progress, and as healers and caregivers, hospitals and health systems have a special role to play in helping to realize Dr. King’s dream of a truly just society. However, we also acknowledge a number of limitations. List of Medical Colleges and Hospitals under the control of this Directorate. Arguably, investigating faith healing modalities’ effectiveness using scientific inquiry is controversial while there is limited evidence of therapeutic effectiveness of faith healing modalities such as prayer [13, 14]. These positive attitudes by traditional healing users including faith healing users toward the healers have been widely observed and reported in previous studies [32, 38]. Tribute to President Emeritus of Ghana President The late Jerry John Rawlings. Alosaimi FD, Alshehri Y, Alfraih I, Alghamdi A, Aldahash S, Alkhuzayem H, Al-Beeshi H. Psychosocial correlates of using faith healing services in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: a comparative cross-sectional study. Most at times people who have been healed go out to recommend us to their friends and relatives who are also suffering from similar conditions. Governments should make medical services available and affordable to the local population. This may also put the unsuspecting patient in much anxieties and worries and resultantly push them into the faith healing utilisation. The importance of traditional healers in the planning of rural healthcare delivery in Ghana: the case of bone-setting services in Loagri and Wungu. For instance, both healers and users shared the view that most diseases are strictly spiritual, which is difficult to explain and cure in scientific terms whiles faith heals faster than scientific applications. Treatment received by children who visit traditional healers. By their training, traditional, Christian, and Islamic clerics are religious, not medical experts. Therefore, the results were presented based on seven major themes with the aid of direct quotations. Covid has done nothing to reassure the public faith in health care if anything it has divided people as to how motivated the industry of medicine and pharmaceuticals is governed by greed and politics. As the dignity, safety and wellbeing of the interviewees were a matter of primary concern to the researchers, participation in the study was strictly voluntary, and no identifying or sensitive information were recorded. South Afric Med J. I really respect them. In the quest to grow their churches and finances, many African clerics venture into faith healing. Qual Health Res. [masters’ thesis] Faculty of Health Sciences. Most of the study participants perceived their health status to be very good and attributed it to the use of faith healing. They look at me as a sinner and do not even respect me. Turning to prayer: social and situational antecedents of religious coping among African Americans. Balboni TA, Paulk ME, Balboni MJ. Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals. With the knowledge and information, they have acquired about faith healing, participants attempted to describe what faith healing and healers are respectively. And where there are equipment and personnel, the cost of mental health services is out of reach for the local population. By Dale King Tiny bottles filled with a liquid that promises to alleviate the life-threatening symptoms of a deadly disease that’s grown into a worldwide pandemic in barely a year have finally arrived in South Florida. We employed exploratory study design of purely qualitative research approach involving 40 conveniently selected participants from four different purposively selected faith healing centres to get a maximum variation of experiences and opinions on the time of consultation, perceived effectiveness and challenges of faith healing practices in Ghana. Soc Sci & Med. They were also asked to offer explanations for the recent upsurge use of their services and to provide specific instances where they have used faith to heal or cure a particular disease. Terms and Conditions, British Med J. To the Traditional faith users, faith healing was conceived as the pouring of libation to the ancestors for healing of long standing health problem(s). It was evident that those who had been healed through faith most often recommend to friends or relatives suffering from similar conditions. It was observed that most of the participants who were recruited at the faith healing centres visited do not worship at these centres, however, they were at the centres purposively for some particular problems including health. Gyasi RM, Agyemang-Duah W, Mensah CM, Arthur F, Torkornoo R, Amoah PA. et al. 1. Kumasi Metropolis which falls under the jurisdiction of Ashanti Region of Ghana was selected for this study as a result of two main reasons. In this case, the interviewees were queried to confirm the correctness of both the main themes and sub-themes generated to ensure precision. Pascoe GC. One Christian faith user expressed that: I think faith healing is using your faith through prayers, fasting and other materials such as holy water, oil and ointment basically upon the instructions of your Christian leader to cure or prevent diseases. The data was subjected to thematic and content analysis where coding and analysis is used to identify themes and subthemes [25]. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. In all, participants maintained that faith healing had been an important healing modality for them because of how it had improved their health status. The present study highlights several implications for policy, clinical practice and further research. Immortal Wins: India Defeats Fortress Australia. This finding implies that most users often experienced positive improvements in their health status after they had visited and taken the prescriptions by the healer. One of my relatives recommended this prayer camp to me but I was initially doubtful. In line with the interpretive paradigm underpinning this study and the qualitative research methodology adopted, our results cannot be generalized. He signed […] PP: study conception, design and drafting; RGM, PO-WA, WA-D, EMA, JNAK: developed study tools, recruitment, acquisition of data, participated in data analysis, read and revised the manuscript. The explanations identified from the interviews were organised and presented as seven interlinking subthemes. Individuals do not only react to external social forces, but their understanding and experience of issues differs from person to person. Aside the perceived effectiveness of faith healing, interviewees discussed the safety of faith healing modality. Google Scholar. First the findings may be relevant to the social policy directions particularly stakeholders involved in the effort to incorporate alternative forms of healing into the conventional health care system in Ghana. Two aggregated sets of participants were included in this study, these were faith healing users (n = 36), and healers (n = 4). I spent more than two months at a certain hospital in this metropolis seeking treatment. A friend recommended this healing centre to me. CDC/ATSDR Forum: Engaging Faith Communities as Partners in Improving Community Health (pp. 2010;28:445–52. ", We didn't pad votes in favour of Akufo-Addo – Jean Mensa They spiritualize ailments and attribute the causes of diseases to demons and witchcraft and then subject the sick to violent exorcism and abuse. Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers. I sometimes refer patients who come here to seek medical treatment from the hospital. As a result, some of the participants who were receiving treatment at the visited centres described their health status as good compared to before using faith healing: I frequently complained of headache and stomach ache but since I started using faith healing, I hardly fall sick. Washington: World Bank; 2001. Buffalo: Prometheus books; 1992. Gyimah SO. Users of traditional faith healers service explained that society mostly stigmatised and victimised them for not using formal healthcare services but rather opted for Traditional faith healing modality: Many people in my neighbourhood do not want to come close to me because I visit spiritualists on health issues. Also, he [healer] is the leader who is leading us in diverse ways, including both physical and spiritual, therefore consulting faith first is the right thing to do. BMC Public Health This finding suggests that spirituality, culture and religion have been introduced into the medical circle, implying a growing interest in the possible perceived health benefits connected with having a spiritual belief and/or following a religious belief. Specifically, the Christian faith users mentioned that due to prayer and fasting, diseases that were supposed to be emanated from the spiritual realms were, therefore, prevented, hence promoting their health and welfare. This perception suggests that diseases must be treated through the exact ways by which they emerged and this is entrenched in faith healing practices. AIDS Care. Wallis C. Faith and healing: can prayer, faith and spirituality really improve your physical health? With this approach, the original feelings, experiences and belief systems of participants were valued. American Journal … Our study participants were assigned pseudonyms. It was recognised that faith healers offer to users a few services including prayers for curing and preventing of diseases that emanate from both physical and spiritual realms. In this study, a faith healer was tailored as a professed Christian, Islamist or Traditional spiritualist who heals by application of faith mostly through prayer, fasting, holy water, ointments and medicinal plants. Time. Watters W. Deadly doctrine: health, illness, and Christian god-talk. 2010;10:36. She recommended this place because my friend was healed of the same disease I am suffering from. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Nigeria due to COVID-19. I have been to different formal healthcare facilities but yielded no positive improvement for about five years. 6. Moreover, the proliferation of faith healing churches and centres in Ghana and the general interpretation of diseases and illness causation within a religious context [19], justify the need for this study. Leonard K. African traditional healers: the economics of healing. Clerics who claim to treat people with mental illness through prayer are quacks and charlatans. The history of hospitals began in antiquity with hospitals in Greece, the Roman Empire and on the Indian subcontinent as well, starting with precursors in the Asclepian temples in ancient Greece and then the military hospitals in ancient Rome.The Greek temples were dedicated to the sick and infirm but did not look anything like modern hospitals. Such evidence regarding traditional healers’ service users’ attitude might have accounted for by the familiarity with culture bound syndromes and traditions coupled with their relationships with patients and their families [40]. Notably, a significant number (66.7%) of patients sought the services of faith healers because of the fact that faith healing is often readily available to potential consumers  [4]. Paper. So with faith through prayers, fasting, anointing oil prescribed by my pastor, my health status has been very good. Thus, to contribute to this debate, the present study has detailed the spectrum of attitudes and health perception of faith healing users in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. List of Institutions. I bought and used a number of drugs but to no avail. Levin J. I see both us faith healing. The history of recovered people as wounded healers: I. Atlanta: Public Health Practice Program Office; 1999. Specific evidences were given by participants regarding the challenges of faith healing use. Interestingly, the study participants compared their attitudes toward faith healers and professional medical practitioners. Chadda RK, Agarwal V, Singh MC, Raheja D. Help seeking behaviour of psychiatric patients before seeking care at a mental hospital. 1998;1:21–9. Providing healthcare to low-income women: a matter of trust. But they end up suffering abuses and further health damage. African traditional medicine is a form of holistic health care system organized into three levels of specialty, namely divination, spiritualism, and herbalism. Fam Pract. They see me as an unbeliever, sinner and devil. 1996;147:58. These perspectives ensured adequate discourse between the researchers and the interviewees to generate a meaningful collaborative effect [21]. London: Sage; 2003. p. 219–62. The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests. 2011;1096 http://digitalcollections.sit.edu/isp_collection/1096. This finding apparently concurs with other previous studies that friends, the mass media and family members are the sources of information on the use of faith healing services [22, 31]. She was married for about six years without a child. With the consent of the participants, interviews were audio-recorded while field notes were also taken. Birhan W, Giday M, Teklehaymanot T. The contribution of traditional healers’ clinics to public health care system in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. This current study, therefore, aims at exploring the attitudes and health perceptions of faith healing users among adult population in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Powell's is an independent bookstore based in Portland, Oregon. Moreover, since this study was conducted among those who were seeking treatment in the faith healing centres, they were a-priori likely to have positive attitude towards the services provided. The study noted that faith users acquired information and knowledge about faith healers mainly through recommendations by friends, relatives and the mass media (both print and electronic). The influence of traditional medicine and religion on discontinuation of ART in an urban informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. The selection procedure, to a larger extent, was an arbitrary one, which did not take into account any of such parameters as the size of the target and the accessible population of the study areas, following [23]. Significantly, the present study revealed that faith healers served as the first port of call for a considerable number of the participants for primary healthcare needs despite the current advances of conventional treatments. Cite this article. The interviews were systematically conducted between a participant and an interviewer at the place where the participant was recruited, mainly at the faith healing centres. Other specific inclusion criteria were: age 18 years or older as people contribute to national decision and policy discussion at this age, at the premises as of the time of the interview and self-reported knowledge regarding some levels of time of consult, effectiveness and challenges of faith healing and the knowledge of diagnosis and treatment/management of health issues. According to T.J. Smith, Ph.D., folklorist, and executive director of the Foxfire Museum and Heritage Center in Mountain City, Georgia, however, many mountain healers … Traditional healers and the primary health care nurse. If the first Gulf War in 1990-91 was when Americans relearned respect for military service personnel, and the attacks of September 11, 2001 reminded us of the bravery of firefighters, This might also serve as a useful reference for other settings where the use of faith as a healing modality is predominant. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company; 1967. The main aim of the study was to explore the attitudes and health perceptions of faith healing users in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Evidence also shows that neglecting spiritual needs results in less favourable outcomes for patients such as reduced quality of life, dissatisfaction with care and increased costs at the end of life [11, 12]. J Nat Med Assoc. For example, I am a Christian leader, so I heal people through the application of the Christian faith. However, investigating the effectiveness of faith healing using scientific inquiry is controversial while there is no or limited evidence of therapeutic effectiveness of faith healing modalities such as prayer [13, 14]. And local authorities must rise to their duties and responsibilities. So, I think consulting your faith on health issues first before other alternatives is a right thing to do. Other African countries should borrow a leaf from Uganda and rein in 'faith doctors' and stamp out faith-healing practices. This notion was, however, common among the Christians who participated in the study. Faith Quotes. 2001;47:71–8. More importantly, this is the first qualitative study to enrich understanding on attitudes and health perceptions of faith healing users in Ghana. In fact, I have been here for only about a week but I have seen a significant improvement in my health. When I do not consult him and go ahead to seek medical care, is a sign of disrespect. 2017;7:126–32. Peltzer G, Khoza H. Attitudes and knowledge of nurse practitioners towards traditional healing, faith healing and complementary medicine in the Northern Province of South Africa. To me, it is a serious challenge and needs to be addressed. As the case in Uganda has shown, evangelical churches are filling the personnel and infrastructural gap in the mental health sector in ways that leave much to be desired. Importantly, the present study also revealed the health perception or perceived health status of faith healing users. The system includes Texas Health Physicians Group and hospitals under the banners of Texas Health Presbyterian, Texas Health Arlington Memorial, Texas Health Harris Methodist and Texas Health Huguley. Use of complementary and alternative medical therapies among racial and ethnic minority adults: results from the 2002 National Health Interview Survey. 2016;2:1209995. They have no business with mental health work. Also, at times, herbs that are given to us by the healers are mostly natural plants free from chemicals that can cause damage to our health. The effectiveness of faith healing made people recommend to others who are suffering from a similar health problem: I got to know this place through a friend. BMC Public Health 18, 1358 (2018). Interestingly, a total of 9 participants were using all the three faith healing modalities (Christian, Islamic and Traditional faiths). Spirituality, customs, religious and personal beliefs and philosophies—are the pulling factors of faith healing utilisation. Read the entire Travel Advisory. The practices of faith healing in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of a plethora of health issues is pre-historic and dates back into antiquity in many countries [1,2,3].]. Reconsider travel to Nigeria due to COVID-19, crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and maritime crime.Some areas have increased risk. Mechanic D, Meyer S. Concepts of trust among patients with serious illness. Most participants were unemployed (27) and those employed were dealing in informal economic activities. Hence, these indicators play a key role in motivating users to choose one provider over the other [33]. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-6277-9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-6277-9. I consult my spiritual leader first because I respect and believe in him. (1993). J Biosoc Sci. Former generations, because they lacked our medical knowledge, our doctors, our hospitals, our standards of hygiene, our medicines, our vaccines, and our antibiotics, existentially felt their contingency. Most people believed that the person having an abnormal mental state was a victim of external factors, without any problem in body or mind; and considering the nature of this causative factor, faith healing would help rather than medicines [4]. 2011;23:851–8. It starts with doing all we can to ensure that everyone has equitable access to the highest quality health care. These provide a diversity of healing choices at the disposal of the community members for their health care requirements in the Metropolis. Partnerships between the faith-based and medical sectors: implications for preventive medicine and public health. The mayor noted that this is day 297 of the activation of the Palm Beach County EOC. However, these concerns were reported commonly among the users of Traditional faith healers service. Curationis. I had a broken leg while playing football. Correspondence to Ellison CG, Taylor RJ. According to a BBC report, the police in Uganda arrested the pastor and rescued many people held at the church. 2000;51:657–68. Benjamin Rush’s educational campaign against hard drinking. Some strengths of the present study need to be remarked. The participants were of the belief that certain diseases have strong spiritual connections and underpinnings, thus can only be treated and reversed effectively through spiritual means, particularly by prayer and fasting: I am a living testimony. Unfortunately, for many people across the region, faith healing places are the first port of call whenever they fall ill. Evangelical churches, as well as Islamic centers across Africa, operate faith clinics, prayer camps where they claim to provide healing services for persons with all diseases, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, and even COVID-19. They do not because they cannot. Article  Privacy Whereas faith healing services are affordable, the decisions to use such services are motivated by trust, availability and accessibility, recommendations from relevant other and believe in the supernatural causation of illness [4, 10]. For example, it emerged from the interviews that, as most users first visit faith healers for various health issues, some healers administer cross-referrals of patients. Holmes-Rorner M, Kroll J, Schmitt N, Rovner DR, Breer ML, Rothert ML, Padonu G, Talarczyk G. Patients’ satisfaction with health care decisions: the satisfaction with decision scale. 2014;3:55–67. Also, the measures were derived from self-reports of participants of the prior 12-month experiences of faith healing use without recourse to official records or medical diagnosis. On the part of the Islamic and Traditional faith users, the traditional herbs and the pouring of libation prevent regular occurrence of diseases. The healers were first asked to provide a general description of their services. One Christian faith user similarly noted that: I can say my health status is very good. The journey of a person suffering from mental illness is not an easy one, especially when there are many strong social stigmas attached to the condition. Although faith clinicians seem to be filling the gaps in the health sector, they are making the health situation worse because faith healers lack the capacity and competence to deliver effective health care services. Intern J Mental Health Syst. Equipment and personnel, the cost of mental health care to demons and witchcraft and then the. 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